
利用转基因技术改良小麦品质的研究进展 被引量:10

Progress on Improvement of Wheat Quality by Transgenic Technology
摘要 小麦作为世界主要粮食来源,其转基因遗传改良受到广泛关注。随着生活水平的提高,人们对面食品各种品质的需求也越来越高,利用转基因技术对小麦进行品质改良成为近几年小麦研究的热点。小麦品质包括加工品质和营养品质,加工品质又包括磨粉品质和食品加工品质。目前的小麦品质改良中,磨粉品质的改良主要通过提高籽粒硬度(grain hardness)基因pin的含量;食品加工品质的改良主要通过提高小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基(high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit,HMW-GS),尤其是1Dy10、1Dx5及1Ax1亚基的含量;小麦的营养品质改良主要是提高赖氨酸及铁结合蛋白的含量;面粉白度是衡量面粉品质的重要性状之一,利用转基因技术从遗传因素进行的面粉白度改良主要集中在对多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)的抑制上;淀粉品质是小麦品质的一个重要方面,淀粉品质改良的研究主要集中在对支链含量相关淀粉基因的研究上。本文就应用转基因技术对小麦品质在这五个方面的改良进行了概括介绍,并对其中存在的问题进行了探讨。 As the main source of world foodstuff, improvement of wheat by transgene has been paid more attention. With the improvement of living standard, the requirements of food become even higher, and improvement of quality by transgenic technology in wheat research has been hotspot for these years. Wheat quality includes processing quality and nurture quality, and processing quality includes milling character and food processing quality. During the improvement of wheat quality at present, the improvement of milling character is mainly by improving the content of the grain hardness gene pin; the improvement of food processing quality is mainly by improving the content of wheat HMW-GS; The improvement of nurture quality is mainly about improving the content of lysine and ferritin; flour whitness is one of important characters in weighing flour quality, the improvement of flour whitness in genetic factor by transgene is mainly about the restraining of PPO; starch quality is an important aspect of wheat quality, the improvement of starch quality is mainly about the research of Waxy gene. The progresses in research of improving wheat quality in these five aspects were reviewed in this paper, The remaining problems in wheat transgenic breeding programs are also discussed.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2009年第2期398-406,共9页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家自然科学基金(30500321) 北京市自然科学基金(6052011)共同资助
关键词 小麦品质 转基因技术 高分子量谷蛋白亚基 多酚氧化酶 直链淀粉 Wheat quality, Transgenic technology, HMW-GS, Polyphenol oxidase, Amylose
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