电子商务网站逐渐成为商务智能中数据量最大的地方之一.把数据仓库技术引入电子商务应用中,把用户在电子商务网站上的点击流(Click Stream)和Web日志文件作为数据源,利用高效的改进的关联规则算法,可以有效地分析出其中蕴涵的如用户行为模式这样的知识.利用这些知识,商务人员能够拓展他们的市场,改善客户关系,降低成本,使操作流水化,有效地辅助其改进商业策略。
Website gradually becomes one of the places containing the biggest amount of data in business intelligence. Introduces the data warehousing technologies into the applications of e-business and take the click stream data and web log files of the website as the data source of data warehouse with the efficient association rule algorithm, knowledge such as users' using patterns can be deduced. With these knowledge, business men can expand the business markets, develop relations with customers, low their cost, and make their operations flow fluently and enhances their business strategies.
Journal of Jilin Architectural and Civil Engineering