
股票期权激励计划的披露与经理的机会主义行为 被引量:15

The Disclosure of Stock Option Incentive Plans and the Opportunism of Executives
摘要 《上市公司股权激励管理办法》(试行)和《国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法》出台后,经理股票期权作为一种激励机制有了法规的指导,但这种理论上激励相容的机制设计现实中可能由于经理人的机会主义行为而无效。文章以我国上市公司2006—2007年的经理股票期权激励计划首次披露事件为样本,分析了经理利用信息优势选择信息披露内容和时间影响股价,进而影响股票期权行权价格确定的机会主义行为,实证研究的结果验证了研究假设,借此提出对我国经理股票期权实施的借鉴意义。 Adding stock option compensations to management compensation portfolio is an effective mechanism in aligning the interests of managers with those of shareholders. But this mechanism may be noneffective since the self - dealing opportunism of managers. This thesis analyses the managers will undertake self - dealing opportunities by choosing time and content of information disclosure to affect the exercise price of stock option. The result strongly proves my hypothesis that a significant decline in stock price before top executives receive the award and a significant increase in stock price shortly after the incentive plans disclosure.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2009年第3期117-123,共7页 East China Economic Management
基金 上海市教育委员会重点学科建设项目(第五期)(J51202) 上海市教委创新科研项目 上海市市教育发展基金会2008年晨光计划项目“股权分置改革后上市公司股权激励合约的优化研究”
关键词 事件研究 机会主义行为 股票期权激励计划 中国上市公司 累计超额收益 event study opportunism stock option incentive plans China listed company cumulative abnormal return (CARs)
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