为了提高小麦幼胚体细胞再生频率,以河南省大面积推广的豫麦49、豫麦18和兰考906为材料,研究了不同浓度外源物质(2,4-D、ABA和AgNO3)对不同基因型小麦幼胚胚性愈伤组织草酸盐氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明,基因型间、不同外源物质浓度间小麦幼胚胚性愈伤组织草酸盐氧化酶活性差异均达到0.01显著水平。基因型间草酸盐氧化酶活性以豫麦18最高、兰考906最低;不同外源物质浓度间草酸盐氧化酶活性以MS培养基上附加2.0~3.0mg/L2,4-D、2.0mg/L2,4-D+0.1mg/LABA和2.0mg/L2,4-D+0.1mg/LABA+2.5~5.0mg/L AgNO3处理较高。不同外源物质条件下小麦幼胚胚性愈伤组织诱导率与草酸盐氧化酶活性存在极显著相关。
In order to improve the regeneration frequency of somatic embryos of wheat immature embryo, the effects of different concentration exogenic substances on oxalate oxidase activities of immature embryogenic callus were studied in three wheat cultivars (Yumai 18, Yumai 49 and Lankao 906) cultured with more areas in Henan Province. The result indicated that the differences of oxalate oxidase activities of immature embryogenic callus was significant at 0.01 level among different concentrations of exogenic sub- stances or genotypes. Oxalate oxidase activities in Yumai 18 was the highest while that in Lankao 906 was the lowest among different genotype. Oxalate oxidase activities in MS medium supplied with 2.0±3.0 mg/ L 2,4-D,2.0 mg/L 2,4-D ± 0.1 mg/L ABA and 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D ±0.1 mg/L ABA ± 2.5-5.0 mg/L AgNO3 were the highest among different exogenic substances concentrations. The correlation was significant at 0.01 level between induction frequency and oxalate oxidase activities of immature emryogenic callus in wheat under different exogenic substances.
Journal of Triticeae Crops