
射频感性耦合等离子体中的受迫振荡研究 被引量:1

The study of driven oscillation in inductively coupled plasma
摘要 实验研究了匹配状态、放电气压对氩气射频感性耦合等离子体中受迫振荡的影响。结果表明:受迫振荡总是出现在放电的正反馈区;在高气压下(>30Pa)受迫振荡的频率较低。对于使用射频感性耦合等离子体进行薄膜沉积的参数选择给予了理论指导。 A low - frequency oscillation - driven oscillation in ICP by Ar discharging is found near mode transition. The oscillation's region and cause are studied in the experiment, and the influence of pressure is also measured. It is found that driven oscillation occurs in the positive feedback region which is established basing on the influencing of stray capacitor in impedance matching work to the output power of radio - frequency power supply. As the changing of pressure, at high pressure( 〉 30Pa) the frequency of driven oscillation is small. The steady parameters of depositing film in ICP are discussed in theory.
出处 《沈阳航空工业学院学报》 2009年第1期79-84,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
关键词 射频感性耦合等离子体 受迫振荡 模式转化 ICP mode transition driven oscillation
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