

The Calculation of Interal Force for the Rigid Frame of Multiple Story and Side Sway by the Distribution of Moment of Force
摘要 本文通过对一般刚架杆件转角位移方程的处理,消除了转角位移方程中的线位移,然后,利用力矩分配法计算刚架的内力,从而使力矩分配法得到了推广,使其不仅能应用于无侧移刚架的内力计算,也能应用于有侧移刚架的内力计算。 Through dealing with the equation of turning angle-bit slice in rodof rigid frame,linear deflection in the equation of turning angle-bitslice is eliminated.The internal fore is calculated by the distribution ofmoment of force and then it is applied for the calculation of internalforce for the rigid frame of side sway.
作者 梁亚君
出处 《佳木斯工学院学报》 1990年第2期88-93,共6页
关键词 刚架 高层结构 侧移 力矩分配法 moment of force distribution multiple story side sway rigid frame internal force
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