
蓖麻秆显微构造和纤维形态的研究 被引量:16

Microstructure and fiber size of the castor-oil plant
摘要 蓖麻Ricinus communis秆是一种优质的纤维原料。为了更好地研究和利用蓖麻秆,采用扫描电子显微镜和光学显微镜研究了蓖麻秆皮部、木质部和髓部的显微结构;并利用Motic Images Plus 2.0图像处理系统测量了蓖麻秆皮部和木质部的纤维尺寸。结果表明,蓖麻秆皮部含有纤维细胞、轴向薄壁细胞和射线细胞;木质部的结构类似于散孔材,靠近髓的部位管孔较发达,具有单列或双列的异型木射线,纤维细胞壁上可见具缘纹孔,节部纤维弯曲;髓部多为多面体的薄壁细胞,可观察到螺纹导管。皮部纤维长度最大可达26.50 mm,长宽比高达540.00,壁腔比0.56~0.83;枝丫部分的纤维最长,长宽比最大;穗部的纤维最短,长宽比和壁腔比最小。木质部纤维的平均长度为0.75~0.90 mm,宽度4.38~5.40μm,长宽比31.78~37.54,壁腔比0.56~0.83。蓖麻秆纵向上枝丫部分的平均长度、腔宽和长宽比小于秆部,壁腔比大于或等于秆部;穗部纤维的长度、宽度和腔宽均最小,长宽比和壁腔比最大。径向上靠近木质部中部的细胞长度、细胞腔宽度和长宽比较大;最外侧细胞的宽度、壁厚和壁腔比最大。蓖麻秆是一种优质的纤维原料,可用来造纸和制造人造板等工业化利用;其不同部位的纤维形态不同,呈一定的规律变化。 To better use the castor-oil plant as a high quality fiber-material, the microstructure and fiber size of the cortex, xylem, and marrow of the castor-oil plant was studied with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Optics Microscope, and Motic Images Plus 2.0 image processing software system. Results showed the presence of fibers, axis-thin-wall, and radial ceils in the cortex of the plant. The xylem microstructure was similar to diffuse-porous wood with the pipe orifice developed close up marrow and having linear-heterotype and non-linear-heterotype rays. Border pits were found on the fiber cell which curved in a plant burl. There also were polyhedral-shin wall cells and spiral vessels in the plant marrow. The cortex fiber cell was most to 26.50 mm in length, high to 540.00 in ratio of length to width and had a cell wall: cell cavity in width of 0.56 : 0.83. The fiber cell of the plant's branch-cortex was longest in length and largest in length to width ratio. The plant's fiber cell of spike-cortex was shortest in length, smallest in length to width ratio and wall to cavity in width. The xylem fiber cell was from 0.75 to 0.90 mm in length, from 4.38 to 5,40 μm in width, and had a length to width cell ratio of 31.78 : 37.54. The cell wall : cell cavity in width was from 0.56 to 0.83. For the axes, the average length and width of the cell cavity and the length: width of the branch fiber cell was smaller than those of the trunk fiber cell, but the cell wall to cell cavity ratio for the width of the branch fiber cell was greater than or equal to those of the trunk fiber cell. In the spike the length, cell width, and cell cavity width of the fiber cell was smallest, but the cell length : width and the width of the cell wall : cell cavity was largest. In middle part of the xylem the radial length, cell cavity width, and the length : width ratio of the fiber cell was larger, and the cell width, cell wall width, and cell wall : cell cavity in width of the fiber cell in outside were largest. Thus, the fiber size was different in the different parts of the castor-oil plant. Since this fiber is an excellent material, it can be used to make paper or make artificial boards. [Ch, 9 fig. 3 tab. 10 ref.]
出处 《浙江林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期239-245,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BA007A07-04)
关键词 材料学 蓖麻秆 显微结构 细胞种类 纤维形态 material science castor-oil plant microstructure cell type fiber size
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