
宜万铁路某隧道溶腔段帷幕注浆施工技术 被引量:1

Curtain Injecting Paste Construction Technology of a Cavity Section along Yichang-Wanzhou Railway
摘要 应用帷幕注浆施工方法处理宜万铁路某隧道溶腔,根据现场地质条件提出了具体的施工方案、工艺要点及施工方法,并对注浆参数、注浆工艺流程、注浆材料、注浆设备、注浆施工过程和注浆控制标准等关键问题进行了详细的阐述。该帷幕注浆施工方法安全经济、可操作性强,对岩溶地区的溶腔注浆施工处理具有重要的借鉴意义。 Carbonates are widely distributed along Yichang-Wanzhou railway,and also karst is strongly developed in this area. Based on a project example along Yichang-Wanzhou railway, the curtain injecting paste construction method is used to deal with the dissolved cavity of the tunnel. According to geological conditions, the concrete plan of construction is proposed and the main craft points and the construction method are proposed. Some key problems, including parameters, flow chart of curtain injecting paste, materials, equipment for borehole and injecting paste, and the construction process and control standards of injecting paste are discussed in detail. This method is safe, economical and feasible, and has important reference significance for the construction and treatment of dissolved cavities in karst areas.
作者 黄雄军
出处 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 2009年第2期111-114,共4页 Safety and Environmental Engineering
关键词 宜万铁路 溶腔 帷幕注浆 施工技术 Yichang-Wanzhou railway dissolved cavity curtain injecting paste construction technology
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  • 1张民庆,彭峰.地下注浆技术[M].北京:地质出版社,2008.
  • 2夏明耀 曾进伦.地下工程设计施工手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1993..




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