我们在分别观察气功疗法和生物反馈疗法的基础上,提出了气功反馈的概念,研制了系列气功反馈磁带,已应用于临床获得了较为满意的效果,其机制正在探讨,初步认为与大脑皮层主宰下的植物性神经整合作用有关。 1 气功反馈概念的提出近20年来西方兴起的生物反馈(biofeed-back) 是从1969年美国布朗德理和加拿大格门士治疗瘫痪肢体的生物回授法开始的,它是借助灵敏的电子仪器和微机系统,把一般不能感知的生理信息(肌电、血压及皮温等)转变成能感知的物理信息(声、光。
We put forward the concept of 'Qigong feedback' on the basis of observation of Qigong therapy and Biofeedback therapy. We also studied variation of physiology of Qigong in 10 systems. Meanwhile, we developed Qigong feedback tapes about blood pressure, skin temperature, Zhuang Yang and infantile education and a skin temperature biofeedback instrument which had been applied in clinic to treat angioneurotic headache and primary hypotension and hypertension, with good effect. Its mechanism, which we are studing farther, is related to integralic effect of autonomic nervous system cotroled by cerebral contex.
Qigong feed back
bloud pressure
skin temperature