建立了直链烷基苯中茚满、萘满含量正相HPLC的分析方法。采用两根正相硅胶色谱柱进行串联;选择异辛烷为流动相,流速为0.3 mL/min;以二极管矩阵为检测器,在254 nm波长下进行检测。回收率与精密度实验验证表明,此方法的相对标准偏差为0.028%,平均回收率为98.8%,准确度和精密度较好,取得了满意的效果。
A method of High performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) with positive phase was used for analy- zing the contents of DATs in LAB. The series connection of a pair of C18 columns was employed with the mobile phase of isooctane at the flow rate of 0.3 mL/min as well as UV detector at 254 nm. Experiments of relative standard deviation( RSD)and average recovery rate(ARR) for accuracy of the method were carried out and showed that RSD was 0.028% and ARR 98.8%. This method was practically satisfactory.
Chemical Industry Times