Incubation studies on the effect of two nitrification inhibitors(IN) dicyandiamide and potassium thiosulfate on pH value's change, ammonia volatilization and ammoniacal nitrogen transformation of garden soils in the suburbs of Jincheng and Beijing show that in these two alkaline soils, the soil's pH in all treatments increased to maximum quickly at the beginning and then decreased at a slow rate. The peak of soil's pH appeared at the 4 th day of the experiment in potassium thiosulfate treatments and no-NI control, while it was postponed about three days in dieyandiamide treatments. During the whole experiment, the soil's pH in the treatments with dieyandiamide was higher, followed by the treatments with potassium thiosulfate, and the soil's pH in the no-NI control was minimum. Ammonia volatilization intensity followed the changes of soil's pH, the peak of ammonia volatilization occurred at the 7 th day of the experiment in ali treatments generally, and meantime, the content of ammonia volatilization with dieyandiamide treatments was higher, followed by the potassium thiosulfate treatments, and the content of ammonia volatilization with no-NI con-rol was minimum. The total amount of ammonia volatilization was increased by 523.0 %, 33.60% in the treatments with dieyandiamide and potassium thiosulfate when compared with the no-NI control of garden soils in Jincheng, respectively. And trend were similar to the garden soils in Beijing with the total amount of ammonia volatilization was increased by 575.8 %, 125.0 % in the treatments with dicyandiamide and potassium thiosulfate when compared with the no-NI control, respectively. The variety of soil's ammoniacal nitrogen content and soil's pH have the similar trend, they both climed to maximum quickly and then slowly declined. The time of release of ammoniaeal nitrogen was prolonged about three days by adding nitrification inhibitors.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
nitrification inhibitor
p H
ammonia volatilization
ammoniacal nitrogen