
用于驱动无刷直流电机的矩阵变换器控制策略 被引量:1

Control method of matrix converter driving brushless DC motor
摘要 利用矩阵变换器驱动无刷直流电机,可以实现无刷直流电机的交-交直接控制。针对无刷直流电机反电势为梯形波、相电流为方波的特点,提出一种用于驱动无刷直流电机的矩阵变换器的控制策略。将矩阵变换器等效为整流器和逆变器的虚拟连接,分别对这两个虚拟环节采用输入电流空间矢量调制和三相六拍120°持续导通模式,然后将两个环节的调制策略相结合,从而实现无刷直流电机交-交变频调速。该控制策略能够实现输出方波电流的同时实现输入电流的正弦化。对给出的控制策略进行了详细的理论分析与推导。实验验证了控制策略的正确性与可行性。 The AC-AC direct control of brushless DC motor (BLDCM) can be implemented while matrix converter is applied. In the light of the trapezoidal back electromotive force and square phase current of brushless DC motor, a novel strategy of matrix converter driving BLDCM is presented in this paper. The matrix converter was described to an equivalent circuit combining a rectifier and an inverter connected through virtual DC link. Input current space vector modulation and 120°conduction mode were employed in these two stages respectively. Then the switch matrix which used to drive the matrix converter could be obtained by synthesizing the rectifier stage and inverter stage. The input current of the system was sinusoidal while the output current was rectangular. An important part of this paper is dedicated to the analysis and deduction of modulation and control method proposed. Experiment results are included to illustrate the validity of the control schemes proposed.
出处 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期238-244,共7页 Electric Machines and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(50777029)
关键词 无刷直流电机 矩阵变换器 整流器 逆变器 brushless DC motors matrix converters rectifiers inverters
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