
听写障碍儿童的字形输出错误特点 被引量:19

The Characteristics of Orthographic Output Errors by Children With Dysgraphia
摘要 阅读正常而听写落后的听写障碍是一种特殊的学习障碍类型,相关研究非常缺乏。本研究首先根据听写错误分类,考察了听写障碍儿童在认读正确的听写错误中,各种错误类型分布特点。发现,(1)对于所有被试来说,零反应都是一种主要的错误形态;(2)听写障碍被试的零反应比例明显高于总体平均成绩。为了进一步考察障碍组较高零反应的原因,本研究考察了字形提示对听写成绩的影响。结果,(3)障碍组被试的提示有效率明显高于对照组。这表明,听写障碍儿童形音表征联结的缺陷可能是导致大量的零反应的主要原因。 Dysgraphia (good reader and poor speller) is a special kind of learning disorder with very limited related studies. In this study, the characteristics of dictation error with correct reading performances were studied. The results were (1) for all subjects, zero reaction was the main error type; (2) the incidence of zero reaction was significantly higher in the disordered group than the total average; (3) to further examine the results, orthographic clues were presented to either the disordered group or the controls, which resulted in that, effects of orthographic clues were greater for the disordered group than the controls. It was suggested that defective association between orthographic representation and phonological representation might be the main reason of so many zero reactions in the disordered group.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期352-355,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金(06byy021) 江苏省教育科学十一五规划课题(C-b/2008/01/029) 苏州大学人文社科青年教师后期项目的资助
关键词 听写障碍 错误类型 儿童 字形输出 dysgraphia error type
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