
促进个体参与身体锻炼理论模式研究的现状及未来发展 被引量:7

Research on Present Situation and Future Trend of Physical Activity
摘要 如何促使个体进行身体锻炼和维持身体锻炼是现代西方国家有关身体锻炼研究的主要内容。研究者把身体锻炼作为一种行为来研究,身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研究。促进身体锻炼行为的研究是健康促进研究的重要内容。为了解释或说明身体锻炼行为受哪些因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型。这些理论可以分为个人内部理论、人际理论和环境理论。通过行为转变理论模式的研究可以推理出行之有效的行为干预方法,为行为干预实践提供理论依据。阐述了促进身体锻炼主要的理论模式,并对其进行基本分析,指出了研究中存在的问题,对未来的研究发展提出了自己的观点。 How to promoting individuals adopting physical activity and maintaining physical activity in daily life are the important tasks of studies on physical activity behavior in western countries. Physical activity is treated as behavior by researchers in studies. Research on behavior change derived from studies on promoting individuals bealth. Along with the ideal that physical activity promote individuals health was assured, studies on physical activity became main problems. Physical activity promotion is an important research direction. In order to explaining why individuals act in certain ways and models to guide the development and refinement of interventions that call for adults to assume a mere active lifestyle, some theories about physical activity promotion were modeled. These models are profoundly influenced by intrapersonal theories, interpersonal theories, and environmental approaches. In this article several models that were tested in practice were discussed, the main problems in study are pointed out and the viewpoint of authors is expatiated for forth study on this field.
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期157-162,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
基金 广东省体育局软科学研究项目(YT08066)
关键词 身体锻炼 行为转变 理论模式 综述 physical activity behavior change theory model review
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