1[荷]F Dely,International Business Law and Lex Mercatoria[M].North-Holland, 1992,p.163 et seq.
2[意]Michael Joachim Bonell "THE UNIDROIT PRINCIPLES AND TRANSNATIONAL LAW "[Z]. http://www.unidroit.org/english/publications/review/articles/2000-2.htm.
3[意]M J BONELL, An International Restatement of Contract Law[M].2^nd ed.Transnational Publishers,Inc,Ardsely,NY,Octmher 1997 release,253.
4Award No.1795 of 1 December 1996 by the National and International Court of Arbitration of Milan, in Uniform Law Review (1997),UNIDROIT, 602[Z].
5ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, ICC Publishing S A, vol .10, No.2(1999),39-57.
6ICC Award No.8128 of 1995[Z]. in Journal de droit international(1996), ICC publishing S A,1024.
7ICC Award No.8817 of December 1997[Z]. in ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin , ICC publishing S A,cit, 75-78.
8ICC Award No.9117 of March 1998[Z], in ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin , ICC publishing S A,cit,96-101.
9[26]Uniform Law Review(1996) [M], UNIDROIT,219 et seq(at 226).
10[意]M J BONELL,An International Restatement of Contract Law[M].2^nd ed.Transnational Publishers,Inc, Ardesly, NY, October 1997 release,75-82,222-224,184.