

An effect comparison of perioperative intravenous metoprolol bolus in 137 cases and intravenous calcium iron antagonist injection in 128 cases with noncardiac surgery
摘要 目的:回顾性观察倍他乐克注射液对非心脏手术患者围手术期心血管合并症的疗效和安全性。方法:收集265例非心脏外科手术患者资料,其中采用倍他乐克注射液治疗的患者137例,采用钙离子拮抗剂128例(维拉帕米51例、恬尔心77例),均因围手术期出现快速性心律失常或高血压而静脉用药。比较两类药物在减慢心率、降低血压方面的效果。结果:两组患者的基线资料无显著差异。与钙离子拮抗剂组相比较,倍他乐克注射液可迅速减慢心室率;但降低血压的效果不及钙离子拮抗剂。倍他乐克组不良反应少,累计发生15例次(10.9%),钙离子拮抗剂组发生30例次(23.4%)。结论:倍他乐克注射液治疗围手术期非心脏手术患者心血管合并症安全、有效。 Objective:To compare the efficacy and tolerance of perioperative intravenous metoprolol or calcium iron antagonist injection on patients with cardiac complications which undergoing noncardiac surgery. Methods: The clinical data of 265 patients who underwent noncardiac surgery from March 2003 to May 2007 was analyzed. According to the different drugs used to treat the perio- perative cardiac complications (tachycardia arrhythmia and hypertension), patients were allocated to metoprolol group (137 cases)and calcium antagonist group (128 cases, including verapamil 51 patients and diltiazem 77 patients). The effects of the therapy on heart rate and blood pressure control and were compared between two groups. Results:There is no significant difference at baseline data be- tween two groups. Compared with calcium antagonist, intravenous metoprolol could more reduce heart and quickly. The effect of blood pressure controlling was more significant in calcium antagonist group than in metoprolol group. The incidence of side-effects events was lower in metoprolol (10.90//oo) than that in calcium antagonist group (23.4%). Conclusion: Intravenous metoprolol injection is effective and safe in treating perioperative cardiac complications in patients with noncardiac surgery.
出处 《国际心血管病杂志》 2009年第2期120-123,共4页 International Journal of Cardiovascular Disease
关键词 围手术期 倍他乐克 冠心病 非心脏外科 Perioperative Betaloc Coronary arterial disease Noncardiac surgery
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