甜味剂的稳定性对饮料的销售来说,具有关键的作用,因为当同一品牌的饮料的甜味不一致时,消费者就会怀疑产品的质量。故此,理想的甜味剂除了具备有优良的溶解性外,其在软饮料于保存期间的稳定性,也是非常重要的。 普遍来说,混合甜味剂在软饮料于保存期间的降解速度比单一甜味剂为慢,而且其甜味强度与蔗糖较为接近,故在软饮料的生产中采用混合甜味剂,既能提高产品的质量。
Sweeteners used in food processing are expected to fulfil a variety of requirements. In addition to solubility, the stability of sweeteners during the production and storage period is considered to be extremely important in terms of providing consistent product quality. Here we summarize the characteristics and application of different kinds of sweeteners.
China Food Industry