Objective To investigate the spatio-temporal expression of connexin (Cx) 40 and Cx45 genes in Cx43 knockout embryonic mouse hearts. Methods Cx43 knockout heterozygous mice were raised. PCR was performed to identify genotypes of their offsprings. The homozygute ( Cx43 - / - ) was used for study and the wild type ( Cx43 + / + ) was used as control. Immuno-histochemistry was used to detect the Cx40 and Cx45 expression in different parts of the fetal hearts at the embryonic days (EDs) 10.5, 11.5, 12.5,* 13. 5, 14. 5, and 15. 5, respectively. SCIM microscopic image analytic system was used for quantitative analysis of staining intensity. Results ( 1 ) Cx40 expression was detected in ventricles of Cx43 +/+ fetal heart as early as ED10.5 with the intensity represented by A value of 8.6. Subsequently it was distributed in the atria and ventricles with the peak expression observed at ED14.5 ( A value = 94.8 ) , and faded afterwards. Less Cx40 expression was observed in the Cx43 -/- fetal hearts as compared with Cx43 +/+ although its expression pattern was similar in both groups. (2) Cx45 expression was detected in ventricles at ED 10.5 (A value = 20.0). It was subsequently distributed in the atria and ventricles with the peak expression observed at ED12.5 (A value = 49.6) , and then faded. Less Cx45 expression was observed in the Cx43 -/- fetal hearts as compared with Cx43 +/+ although its expression pattern was similar as well in both groups. Conclusion Down-regulated expression of the genes Cx40 and Cx45 may be associated with the abnormal heart development in Cx43 knockout animals.
National Medical Journal of China