
偶氮苯衍生物的全息光存储和双折射特性研究 被引量:5

Photochromism and Holographic Recording in Polymer Film Containing Azobenzene Molecules
摘要 对6-(4-((4-(十八烷氧基-)苯基)二氮烯基)苯氧基)-1-己醇(E-1-ol)的光致变色、双折射和全息光存储特性进行了研究.以488nm的氩离子(Ar+)激光为抽运光,632.8nm的氦氖(He-Ne)激光为探测光,研究了透射信号强度随时间的变化关系;在10mW~160mW的范围内,研究了透射信号强度的最大值随抽运光功率的变化;经计算,在各抽运光功率下,获得的光致双折射值(δn)达10-2量级,最大激光功率下,获得的δn为2.8×10-2.对透射信号强度随时间的变化曲线进行了理论拟合,得出曲线的上升和下降符合双指数增长和衰减,时间响应常量分别是:上升阶段:t1=4.8s,t2=85.8s;下降阶段:t1=1.9s,t2=27.6s.用等强度s偏振的两束Ar+激光为写入光,He-Ne光为读出光,研究了衍射信号强度随时间的变化及写入光功率改变时,衍射信号强度最大值与写入光功率的变化关系;对衍射信号强度随时间变化的动力学过程进行了理论拟合,得出光栅生长和衰减也有快和慢两个过程,光栅生长时间响应常量为:t1=3.9s,t2=33.9s,光栅衰减时间响应常量为t1=1.8s,t2=60.1s. A kind of azobeneze molecule, (E)-6-(4-((4-(octadecyloxy) phenyl) diazenyl) phenoxy) hexan-1-ol (E-1-ol),was synthesized, which was doped into poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) films as light storage material. The photochromism, photoinduced birefringence,and holographic recording properties in the PMMA films containing E-1-ol were studied. The E-1-ol underwent a reversible trans-cis-trans isomerization in the polymer matrix. The photoinduced birefringence was investigated at various recording beam intensities of Ar^+ laser (488 nm) beam. A reversible hologram was recorded and the dependence of the first order diffraction efficiency on the recording beam intensities was also presented.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期616-620,共5页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(60507003) 中国科学院国防科技创新基金 中国科学院知识创新工程领域前沿项目 吉林省科技发展计划杰出青年项目 国防863计划 东北师范大学校内青年基金(20080203)资助
关键词 偶氮苯 光致变色 全息光存储 光栅 Azobenzene molecule Photochromism Photoinduced birefringence Holographic recording
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