Su-li and his "School of Local Resources" have a profound impact on China's studies of legal science and legal philosophy. ^[1] The Rule of Law and Its Local Resources, one of the seminal works in the field, witnessed the presentation of an important, if not the most important, concept in Su-li's academic studies, the local resources. The proposal of this concept along with the elaboration and elucidation of it, especially in relation to China's construction of the rule of law, opens up new dimensions for further knowledge of order, particularly order at a grassroots level. It brings into the picture such things as conventions, customs, and local knowledge and the functions of these things in the realization of an effective, orderly, and good life especially for villagers (not good life imagined and envisioned by scholars and granted to them). It challenges studies that rely mainly on political slogans, concrete legal provisions, abstract conceptions of justice, equality or rights, and so forth, serving as a counterattack against grand narrative.