

New distributed MAC protocol for multimedia services in wireless multi-hop networks
摘要 提出了一种单信道无线多跳网络同步媒体接入控制协议—M-TDMA。基于信道预约,协议采用分类调度机制以满足多媒体业务中各类业务的服务质量需求。协议采用信道使用列表(CUL)、预约控制时隙、划分竞争期和非竞争期等措施维护预约信道,降低分组冲突率,提高信道使用率。分析结果表明,协议在保证分组传输可靠性的同时,传输时延较低,能够较好地支持多媒体业务的服务质量需求。 This paper introduced the single channel synchronous MAC protocol (M-TDMA) for multi-hop wireless networks. Based on the channel reservation, designed the classified types scheduling mechanism to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) of the multimedia applications. The measure, such as channel using list ( CUL), control-slot reservation and dividing the compe- tition/non-competition period, were used to maintain the reservation channel, reduce the packet collisions, and achieve high channel utilization. The studied results show that the protocol can ensure high transmission reliability and low delay, which can guarantee QoS of the multimedia applications.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期1446-1449,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2003AA123340)
关键词 无线多跳网络 媒体接入控制 多媒体业务 信道预约 wireless multi-hop networks media access control muhimedia services channel reservation
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