In 1951-1996, 8 great and small pertussis epidemics had occurred in Guangdong Province, the reported incidence in 1961 was 25435/100,000. Since the implementation of EPI in 1987, the incidence of pertussis had been decreasing significantly, dropping to the historically lowest level in 1991. Because of the protection rate which generally is produced by vaccine inoculation was not very high, the pertussis epidemic could not be controlled. In 1990, the pertussis antibody level was detected in population of 206 persons, who were inoculated with DPT vaccine containing 45 billion bacillus pertussis/ml, the protection rate reached 3447%. In 1994-1995, using DPT vaccine containing 9 billion bacillus/ml, the protection rate in 0-60 year old population was 5478%. When the A-PDT vaccine was tried out in Guangzhou in 1996, the immune successful rate was basically the same as DPT vaccine, but the antibody level was higher. The result showed that pertussis incidence is related both to vaccination and the bacillus number of the vaccine. For the purpose of reducing pertussis incidence, immunization coverage rate and disease surviellance should be strengthened
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Pertussis, Epidemic dynamics, Effect analysis