
烧伤大鼠早期脏器通透性变化与病理改变的联系 被引量:2

Changes of the visceral vascular permeability dring early burn stage and their relationship with pathological alterations in rats
摘要 目的:为了探讨烧伤早期脏器通透性变化与病理变化的联系。方法:采用大鼠35%体表Ⅲ度面积烫伤模型,观察了伤前及伤后八个时相点的五种脏器(心、肺、肝、肾、肠)含水量及蛋白含量值的改变,及相应条件下病理形态学的变化。结果:(1)烧伤后3h起各脏器出现含水量显著增加(P<0.05或0.01),峰值在48h内,心、肺出现早于其它脏器(8h、12h),增幅以肺、肾两脏器最高;(2)各脏器蛋白含量值,烧伤后8~72h均有不同程度的降低(P<0.05或0.01),以心、肝、肾为著;(3)病理形态学观察(光、电镜),8h病变最为明显,主要表现为肺、肾等脏器内皮细胞变性、水肿改变和一些脏器实质细胞的局灶性变性坏死。(4)ET-1免疫组化染色结果表明,8h组各脏器实质细胞ET-1阳性反应较正常对照组明显增强。结论:大鼠烧伤早期可出现内皮细胞变性、微血管通透性升高等病理改变。 Objective:To investigate the changes in the visceral vascular permeability in rats in early burn stage and its relationship with pathologic alteration.Methods:Using a rat model with 35% TBSA fullthickness burn, we have investigated the changes in water and protein content in five organs (heart, lung, intestine, liver and kidney) before and afterburn and their relationship with morphological alterations. Results:(1)The water content significantly increased in all organs from postburn hour 3 (PBh3) and reach their peaks within PBh48. The changes in heart and lung were relatively earlier whreras the changes in lung and kidney were more significant.(2)There existed a decrease in protein content in each organ from PBh8 to PBh72, especially in heart, liver and kidney. (3)There was a significant pathological change around PBh8 which menifested as a denature or edema of visceral vascular endothelial cells and a local necrosis of some stromal cells.(4)Immunohistological staining showed a significant enhancement in positive reaction of ET1 in visceral stromal cells at PBh8. Conclusion:In. early burn stage in rats, there exists a pathological changes with a character of denature of vascular endothelial cells and elevation of vascular permeability.
出处 《军医进修学院学报》 CAS 1998年第2期93-96,共4页 Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 烧伤 病理学 毛细血管通透性 内皮细胞 Rats burns/pathology permeability endothelium/cytology endotheling
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