目的利用UreB基因工程乳杆菌(UreB-L6032)研制一种预防幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.py-lori)感染的UreB活性酸奶,并对其抗H.pylori感染的能力进行动物实验研究。方法采用发酵奶制备技术制成酸奶,并对其pH、活菌含量和质粒稳定性进行检测。小鼠在喂食UreB活性酸奶1个月后再感染H.pylori,并设普通酸奶组,阴性和阳性感染组,2个月后测定IL-10(interleukin-10)、IFN-γ(interferon-γ)、sIgA和特异性IgG的水平,并利用快速脲酶法和细菌培养法对小鼠胃部H.pylori进行检测。结果成功的研制出了色香味颇佳,含UreB-L6032活菌较高,质粒能稳定存在的UreB活性酸奶。与一般酸奶相比,其能诱导小鼠体内特异性IgG的产生,显著增加IL-10的表达,降低小鼠H.pylori感染率。结论UreB活性酸奶比一般酸奶能更加有效预防H.pylori感染。
Objective To develop a fermented milk containing UreB genetic L6032 and study its effect on resisting H. pylon infection. Method The fermented milk was made by the fermentation technique and its pH value,live lactobacilli quantities and plasmid stability were determined. Animals were devided into 4 groups-negative group, UreB yogurt group, commen yogurt group and positive control group. Mice were infected by H. pylon after intaking yogurt for one month. After two months ,the IL-10, IFN-γ, sIgA and specific IgG were determinded, and H. priori were detected throught rapid urase test and bacteria cultivation. Result The functional UreB yogurt was made successfully which contains high level of live lactobacilli and stable plasmid. It can induce specific IgC production, raise IL-10 level and decrease H. priori infection rate, comparing with commen yogurt. Conclusion UreB yogurt can prevent H. pylori infection better than commen yogurt.
Chinese Journal of Microecology