Some discoveries about anatomic features of Chinensis softwoods have been made. 1.There present two types of bordered pits on the radial walls (earlywood)of the axial tracheids in the Abies holophylla Maxim. 2.In the Genus Larix,Section Multiseriales can be distinguished with Section Pauciseriales by the ray cells ise diametric or approximately and elliptic respectively. 3.The Pinus robourghii Sarg. can be distinguised from other species of Pinaceae by the larger number and smaller size of the ray tracheids. 4.There present prismatic crystals in the axial parenchyma of the Pseudolarix amabilis Rehd. 5.There exist crystals in the axial tracheids (earlywood) of Picea asperata Mast.,Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.and Abies fabri Craib.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University