

Experimental study on a miniature coaxial pulse tube cryocooler with a novel integral cold finger
摘要 许多现代电子器件的正常运行都需要一种紧凑型、高可靠性,低耗能的微型机械制冷机进行低温冷却。针对这种需求,文中提出了一种新型整体式冷头结构,该冷头结构大大增强了工作气体与冷头换热器的换热能力。详细描述了一种由7.0 cc扫气容积对置式双活塞线性压缩机驱动的具有这种新型冷头结构的微型同轴脉管制冷机的性能实验研究。 Cryogenic cooling with compact, highly reliable, low - power cryocoolers was strongly desired for the successful operation of many modem electronic devices. In the present paper, we reported on system design and measurement of miniature Stirling type co - axial pulse tube cryocoolers driven by a self - designed dual - piston moving - magnet linear compressor with the swept volume of 7cc. A novel integral cold finger geometry was introduced to enhance the heat transfer of the working gas flow in the cold end heat exchanger. The detail structure of the cold finger and experimental measurements on the cooling performance was presented.
作者 苏伟 巨永林
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期5-7,14,共4页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 上海市科学技术委员会浦江计划项目(06PJ14052)
关键词 微型同轴脉管制冷机 惯性管 制冷量 相位调节 Miniature co - axial pulse tube eryocooler, Inertance tube, Cooling power, Phase shift
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