Charlie Badenhop美国纽约市人。旅居日本多年,精心道创始人,和气道教练,黑带四段,催眠术大师。其授课风格将武学理论与诗歌、音乐及实际应用融为一体,让人心灵得到净化,重新点燃生活的激情。
I decided to finally clean out the shed in our back yard recently. My wife left the house early on a Saturday morning to run some errands and I knew that my cleaning the shed would please her greatly. On the way out the door to fulfill my noble task, I take a quick look at the morning mail andnotice a past due bill so I run upstairs to write a check. Upon reaching for the checkbook, I see there is only one check left, so I call my morn in Georgia and ask her to send me more.