
曲率半径、弧长法与速度向量成像联合评价室间隔形变运动 被引量:1

Research in deformation and motion of interventricular septum by velocity vector imaging combining with radius of curvature and length of arc
摘要 目的联合应用曲率半径、弧长法与速度向量成像(velocity vector imaging,VVI)观察室间隔的形变运动。方法15例健康志愿者,采集胸骨旁左室二尖瓣腱索水平短轴观的动态二维灰阶图像数据储存,并导入VVI工作站,分析获取室间隔心内膜下心肌的环向峰值应变;获取舒张末期和收缩末期左室同一水平短轴观静态图像,储存导出,采用自制的测量软件,分别测量室间隔收缩末期与舒张末期的弧长及对应的曲率半径,计算缩短率。结果舒张末期室间隔弧长和曲率半径较收缩末期明显增大,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.0001);室间隔弧长缩短率与峰值应变比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.123)。室间隔峰值应变与室间隔弧长缩短率有相关性(r=0.840,P=0.0001),且Blant—Altman分析图显示二者一致性良好。结论曲率半径和弧长法可以无创性地评估室壁摆动和形变。 Objective Radius of curvature(RC) and velocity vector imaging(VVI) were joined to evaluate the deformation and motion of interventricular septum(IVS). Methods VVI was performed in fifteen healthy volunteers and obtained dynamic images at chordae tendineae of mitral valve in short axis view. The images were stored and analyzed to obtain circumferential peak stain of IVS. In the same short axis view, the static images were captured at end-systole and end-diastole respectively before they were analyzed by self-made software. The length of arc and RC were measured automatically by the software, so the shortening rates of them could were calculated. Results The length of arc and RC were longer at end- diastole than those at end-systole( P (0. 0001). The shortening rate of length of arc was compared with circumferential peak stain of IVS ( P = 0. 123) and they were correlation ( r = 0. 840, P = 0. 0001). Blant- Altman analysis indicated that the concordance was well. Conclusions The length of arc and RC can evaluate the deformation and motion of IVS.
出处 《中华超声影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期219-221,共3页 Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography
基金 国家自然科学基金(30770783)
关键词 超声心动描记术 室间隔 曲率半径 弧长 Echocardiography Interventricular septum Radius of curvature Length of arc
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