

Vitiligo and systemic disorders
摘要 白癜风是一种常见的、以色素脱失斑为主要表现的皮肤病。临床上一些系统性疾病的发病过程中出现白癜风或其发病与白癜风密切相关。此外,一些系统性疾病的发病过程中表现为类似白癜风样的色素脱失斑,与白癜风鉴别较为困难。为此介绍这些系统性疾病与白癜风的相关性,以便做出正确的诊断和治疗。 Vitiligo is a common skin disease characterized by depigmented macules. It is closely associated with the pathogenesis of several systemic disorders. In addition, vitiligo-like depigmentary patches may be concurrent with the development of some systemic diseases, which makes it difficult to differentiate from vitiligo. This article presents the relationship between vitiligo and some systemic disorders, which will contribute to a better diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo.
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2009年第2期92-94,共3页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 白癜风 皮肤疾病 系统性疾病 症状 Vitiligo Skin diseases
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