The expression system for Salmonella gene fliC i was established. The recombinant plasmid pGI4015BS carrying the gene fliC i was used to transform Salmonella typhimurium LB5000 (a restriction negative, modification proficient, non flagellated strain with mutation flaA66) competent cells and then transferred to a flagellin negative, aromatic dependent live vaccine strain of S.dublin SL5928 by transducing using phage P22 HT int, with selection for ampicillin resistance in each case. The ampicillin resistant transductants obtained had functional flagella, as shown both by rapid spreading growth in semisolid medium and by normal assembly of peritrichous flagella investigated under electron microscope. Antigen H1 i expressed in the SL5928 and E.coli Lc 2a hag - variant strain were identified by motility inhibition test with polyclonal rabbit anti H1 i serum. It was further verified that the polyclonal rabbit anti H1 i serum could immobilize and rapidly agglutinate bacteria of strain SL5928 transformed by pGI4015BS in contrast to the not clear agglutination between the serum and bacteria of Lc 2a transformed with same gene. These results showed that this expression system should be a high level one for Salmonclla gene fliC i, and suggested that it would be very useful in the construction of fliC vector for insertion of foreign genes, and the molecular analysis of epitopes on flagellins.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science