

Study on coordinating strategy for one-to-many negotiation
摘要 介绍了一种基于模糊逻辑的协调策略。协调策略考虑协商过程中的各种因素,包括时间、对手数目、对手的提议等,使用模糊规则和模糊推理,对多个相互影响的并发一对一协商进行协调。实验证明,该策略能够很好地适应信息不完全的环境。 A coordinating strategy based on uzzy logic techniques is proposed. After evaluating some environment factors, including time, number of counterparts and proposals from the counterparts, the coordinating strategy employs fuzzy rules and fuzzy-reasoning techniques to coordinate the multiple bilateral negotiations mutually influence one another. A set of experimental tests prove that the coordinating strategy operates well in situations with uncertain information.
作者 姚永雷 马利
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2009年第4期130-132,136,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
关键词 一对多协商 协调策略 模糊逻辑 one-to-many negotiation, coordinating strategy fuzzy lozic
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