
月球车样机实验用的松散沙土力学参数测量系统 被引量:2

Measurement system for the mechanics parameters of porous sandy soil applied to the prototype experiment of lunar rover
摘要 基于地面力学理论,搭建了月球车样机实验用的松散沙土力学参数测量系统。利用该系统进行土力学压板实验及剪切环实验,对实验数据进行数理统计分析,得出松散沙土力学参数,提出松散沙土剪切模量与接地比压的线性表达式,并分析实验数据误差产生原因。利用所测松散沙土力学参数,对月球车圆柱车轮滚动性能进行理论计算,并与实验数据相比较,结果显示具有较好的预测性,证明了利用该系统及所采用的实验方法进行松散沙土参数测量的可行性。 On the basis of theory of ground mechanics, the measurement system for the mechanics parameters of porous loose soil applied to the prototype experiment of lunar rover was constructed. The soil mechanics pressure pad test and shearing ring test have been carried out by the use of this system. The mathematical statistics analysis has been carried out on the experimental data and the mechanics parameters of porous sandy soil were obtained. The linear expression of shearing module of porous sandy soil and grounding pressure ratio has been put forward and the error producing reasons of experimental data were analyzed. Utilizing the being measured mechanics parameters of loose sandy soil a theoretical calculation has been carried out on the rolling property of cylindrical cartwheel of lunar rover and a comparison with the experimental data was worked out. The result revealed that this measurement system bears better predictability and the feasibility for carrying out parametric measurement on loose sandy soil by the use of this system and the being adopted experimental method was testified.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期33-36,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家"863"基金资助项目(2006AA04Z231) 黑龙江省自然科学基金重点资助项目(ZJG0709) 哈工大优秀青年教师培养计划资助项目(CACZ98504837)
关键词 地面力学 沙土参数 月球车 单轮测试系统 ground mechanics sandy soil parameter lunar vehicle single wheeled testing system
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