设计并实现了基于FPGA的嵌入式WEB服务器,简单介绍了SOPC技术及构建方法和嵌入式WEB服务器;接着详细论述了该WEB服务器硬件和软件设计过程,在FPGA中以NiosII32位软核处理器为主控制器,实时多任务操作系统μC/OS-II为软件运行平台,Nichestack TCP/IP为应用层通信协议;外扩FLASH、SRAM、SDRAM存储器芯片和网络控制芯片LAN911C111,用户在IE浏览器中通过文件系统可以浏览存储在FLASH芯片中的网页,由于CPU本身是以软核的方式实现,其功能可根据需要进行定制,非常灵活;设计具有灵活、集成度高、开发周期短等优点;经测试,设计实现的基于FPGA的嵌入式WEB服务器能够达到预期的效果。
Embedded web server is designed and implemented based on FPGA. SOPC technology's features and its construction method and embedded web server are briefly introduced. Subsequently implementation of embedded web server is detailedly discussed in terms of hardware and software, thereinto uses NiosⅡ32 soft intellectual property processor as primary controller in FPGA, real--time multitasks operating system μC/OS--Ⅱ as running platform of application software, and Nichestack TCP/IP as communication protocol of application layer. Foreign expansion FLASH, SRAM, SDRAM memory ehips and network control chip LAN911C111. Consumers can use IE to browse over web page which is stored in Flash through the file system. The function of the system can be customized according to different requirement, because CPU is configured by soft IP, it's constitute is very flexible, it has many advantages such as flexible design, optimum scale integration and short period of development. The performance of the embedded web server is tested. Experiment results show that it can implemented all functions perfectly.
Computer Measurement &Control