
LDPC码在浅海水声通信中的应用研究 被引量:7

Application of LDPC Code in Shallow Water Acoustic Communication
摘要 LDPC码具有编码增益高、译码速度快、可并行译码等特点,是当前编码界的一个研究热点。针对复杂多变、强多途和大起伏干扰的浅海水声信道,建立了LDPC码在浅海水声信道中仿真的模型,仿真研究了浅海水声信道下采用和一积译码算法的LDPC码性能。仿真结果表明,LDPC码在3径多途信道下性能优越;当译码迭代3—5次,码长1000bit左右时基本上能满足水声通信对误码率为10^-4的基本要求。 In this paper, a channel model including time-varying fading, multipath and additive noise for the shallow water acoustic channels is proposed. Based on the channel model, the performances of the LDPC code with sum-product algorithm over shallow water acoustic channel is simulated. The simulation results show that the performance of LDPC code is excellent (Bit error rate less than 10^- 4) over three multipath shallow water acoustic channel, and with 3-5 iterative decoding times and about 1000bit code lengths, is suitable for shallow water acoustic communication.
出处 《通信技术》 2009年第4期41-42,45,共3页 Communications Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(40776022) 福建省科委重点项目(2006N0042)
关键词 水声信道 LDPC码 多途 和一积算法 shallow water acoustic channel LDPC code multipath sum-product algorithm
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