

Cartoon facial animation system oriented mobile entertainment
摘要 给出了一个移动平台下的卡通人脸动画系统,其输入是一张二维真实人脸照片和一段文本,输出为具有娱乐效果的手机卡通人脸动画。首先,根据输入的照片生成人物的卡通肖像,采用了基于特征发现的卡通人脸肖像生成方法。其次,在卡通肖像的基础上结合文本驱动产生卡通人脸动画。最后,将系统移植到移动平台,在手机上播放卡通人脸动画,该系统在局域网和PDA上具有很好的娱乐动画效果。 This paper presents a cartoon facial animation system in the mobile .environment.While a real digital facial photo and some text are inputed,a series of cartoon facial animation with entertainment will be shown in the phone.Firstly,generate the caricature of the real face image.The method based on facial feature analysis is adopted here.Then,synthesize the cartoon facial animation based on the caricature using text driven method.Finally,transplant this system to the mobile platform and the cartoon facial animation is played in the phone.Experiments show that our system performs well on the PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) .
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期96-98,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金 上海市青年科技启明星计划项目(No.05QMX1447)
关键词 数字娱乐 人脸动画 移动娱乐 漫画 肖像生成 digital entertainment facial animation mobile entertainment caricature illustration generation
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