
肉鸡肠道CDX2 mRNA表达的肠段差异性与发育性变化

Regional and Ontogenetic Expression of CDX2 mRNA in Intestine of Chicken
摘要 选用遗传背景相同的1日龄父母代雄性Arbor Acre(AA)肉雏鸡120羽,随机分为4个重复,采用相对定量RT-PCR方法,以AA肉鸡30 d肠道样品为模板,研究肉鸡肠道尾形相关同源盒基因(cadua-related type homeoboxgene)家族中CDX2 mRNA表达的组织特异性;以AA肉鸡十二指肠和空肠样品为模板,研究肉鸡肠道CDX2 mRNA表达的发育性变化.结果显示:AA肉鸡十二指肠CDX2 mRNA的表达丰度高于空肠(P=0.09)、回肠(P=0.06)和结直肠(P=0.05);AA肉鸡CDX2 mRNA在十二指肠及空肠中的表达具有相同的发育模式,2~30 d下降,44 d回升,58 d略微下降;在2和44 d时的表达丰度显著高于30 d(P<0.05).以上结果表明:AA肉鸡肠道近端CDX2mRNA的表达丰度高于远端(P>0.05).AA肉鸡十二指肠及空肠CDX2 mRNA的表达具有相同的发育模式,表明CDX2 mRNA表达受到发育阶段的调控,且在十二指肠和空肠间具有稳定性. One hundred and twenty 1-day-old parental male Arbor Acre (AA) broiler chicks were randomly divided into 4 replicates, respectively. Regional expression of CDX2 mRNA in different segments of intestinal tract of AA chicken on 30 d and ontogenetic expression of CDX2 mRNA in duodenum and jejunum of AA broiler chickens were determined by relative quantitative RT-PCR. It was found that: The CDX2 mRNA expression in duodenum was higher than that in jejunum ( P = 0.09 ), ileum ( P = 0.06) and colorectum (P=0.05 ) , respectively. Ontogenetic patterns of CDX2 mRNA were consistent between duodenum and jejunum. The abundance of CDX2 mRNA decreased from day 2 to day 30, increased from day 30 to day 44 and increased slightly on day 58. The abundance of CDX2 mRNA on day 2 and day 44 were higher than on day 30 (P 〈 0.05 ) , respectively. These results indicate that: Regional expression of CDX2 mRNA in intestine of AA chickens was declined along the downward intestine from proximal intestine to distal intestine (P 〉 0.05). Ontogeny of CDX2 mRNA in AA chickens had the same pattern in duodenum and jejunum, indicating that CDX2 mRNA expression could be regulated by developmental stage.
出处 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期73-77,共5页 Journal of South China Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30671519) "国家重点基础研究发展计划"(973)项目(2004CB117501)
关键词 肉鸡 肠道 CDX2 mRNA 组织特异性 发育性表达 chicken intestine CDX2 mRNA regional expression ontogenetic expression
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