
纤支镜下腔内球囊扩张治疗结核性支气管狭窄235例 被引量:8

Effects of balloon dilatation through fiberoptic bronchoscopy on tubercular bronchial stenosis in 235 cases
摘要 目的:评价结核性支气管狭窄经纤支镜下腔内球囊扩张的疗效。方法:235例结核性支气管狭窄患者应用纤支镜介导下球囊扩张治疗,并观察所有患者治疗前后气道直径、气促评分的变化,其中107例患者检测了FEV1。结果:235例分别接受高压球囊扩张术1~9次,平均(2.9±1.7)次。狭窄支气管的直径由治疗前的(2.31±1.49)mm增加到(6.38±1.56)mm,气促评分由术前的2.15±0.76,减少到0.61±0.48,FEV1由术前(1.2±0.5)L,术后升至(1.9±1.1)L,治疗前后差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:经纤支镜下腔内球囊扩张术是治疗结核性支气管狭窄的有效方法。 Objective: To assess the effect of balloon dilatation through fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the treatment of tubercular bronchial stenosis. Methods: Two hundred and thirty-five patients with tubercular bronchial stenosis were treated by balloon dilatation through fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Airway diameters, dyspnea index were evaluated in all of the patients and FEV1 was tested in 107 of the 235 patients. Results: One to 9 operations(2.9±1.7)were required to achieve satisfactory dilatation. After balloon dilatation, the average airway diameter increased from (2.31±1.49) mm to (6.38±1.56) mm. Dyspnea index decreased from 2.15±0.76 to 0.61±0.48 (P〈0.01). FEV1 was increased from (1.2±0.5) L to (1.9±1.1) L (P〈0.01). Conclusion: Balloon dilatation through fiberoptie bronchoscopy is an effective method to treat tubercular bronchial stenosis.
出处 《海军医学杂志》 2009年第1期21-23,共3页 Journal of Navy Medicine
关键词 结核性支气管狭窄 球囊扩张 支气管镜 tubercular bronchial stenosis balloon dilatation bronehoscopy
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