Editorial Note : Mo Di was a well - known thinker, statesman and militarist in the period of Spring and Autumn of our country. His thought and opinion of ' universal love' , ' non - attack' , ' esteeming great harmony' , ' esteeming good people' ,' saving use' and ' simple burial' sketched his harmonious society idea and reflected the sue- cessively and earnestly seeking the good society of our country' s laboring people since ancient times. Among those thoughts and opinions ' universal love' and ' non - attack' are the kernel contents of Mo Di' s and the central thought with regard to the social and political thought of Mo School. Therefore,it has very important present meaning and long history meaning to re - explain Mo Di' s harmonious value concept and ethic for us to construct harmonious human relation, harmonious country and harmonious world.
Journal of Huanghe S&T University