首次记述锤角细蜂亚科Diapriinae 1中国新记录属——长痣锤角细蜂属Entomacis Foerster,1856,并记述该属1新种:中华长痣锤角细蜂Entomacis sinensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于华南农业大学昆虫标本室。
A new recorded genus, Entomacis Foerster, 1856 is reported, and a new species, Entomacis sinensis, sp. nov., is described from China. The type specimen is deposited in the Hymenoptera Collection of South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China. Entoraacis sinensis, sp. nov. (Figs. 1 -4) This species is similar to E. indica Sharma, 1979, but differs from the latter by: 1) body brunneous, the latter fuscopiceous or black; 2) first segment of antennae distinctly shorter than the length of the second to fourth segments (4.20 :6.46), the third segment 6 times longer than wide, but the latter the first segment subequal to the length of the second to fourth segments, the third segment 3 times longer than wide; 3) fore wing stigmal vein equal to marginal vein in length, but the latter with stigmal vein distinctly longer than marginal vein (160 : 100). Holotype: ♀, Nanling National Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, 09-18-Ⅶ-2005, ZENG Jie, No.200701240.