如果把过去的30年形容为创业的30年,我们更愿把未来的时间赋予"新创业"的新含义。不只是传统行业创业面临更新换代结构调整,更强调的是对创业精神的深刻理解和使命履行,对新技术、新成果市场化、商业化的迫在眉睫和资本投入,对新市场、新消费群体的恪尽职守和尊重敬畏。承接2008年的 2009年,注定是将载入史册寓意深刻的年份。过去一年的大灾大难大悲大喜,让2009年充满想象的空间,充满无限的激情和梦想。对过去改革开放30年而言,对特殊的2008年而言,进入2009年,真的就是"起始年",真正的"而今迈步从头越",真正的痛定思痛,真正的冷峻思考,真正的站起来弯下腰,重新开始。2009让人愁眉不展的市场环境需求,天衣无缝地暗合了创业者必备的所有元素,丝丝入扣地吻合了创业者具备的所有特征特质。任何一个催生创业的时代,都必定是万象更新,充满生机却困难重重的时代。
If we describe the past 30 years as 30 years for entrepreneurship, we prefer to give the new meaning of 'New Entrepreneurship' to the future. Not only the traditional industry is facing the adjustment of structural replacement but also we stress the profound understanding and fulfilling of entrepreneurial spirit, the urgency and capital infused in marketization and commercialization of new technology and new results, the awe and respect for new market and new consumer groups. 2009 continued from 2008 is destined to be profound and written in history. The disasters and joy of 2008 makes 2009 full of imagination and filled with boundless passion and dreams. For the past 30 years of Reforming and Opening Up, for the special 2008, the coming of 2009 means the real start year--creating a truly new beginning from now on, learning the real lesson from painful experiences, thinking calmly and thoroughly, bowing and standing up really to start all over again. Gloomy and depressing market demands in 2009 seamlessly tally with all the elements necessary for entrepreneurs and exactly match all the characteristics entrepreneurs have. Any era that activates entrepreneurship must be updating, full of life but difficulty.