Objective To explore the possibility and experiences of using catheter base buttoned device to occlude congenital ventricular septal (VSD). Methods 14 cases of VSD, including 11 cases of membranous defect, 2 cases of supracristal defect and 1 case of muscular defect, were catheterized for closures of VSD with buttoned device. Results 10 cases of membranous defect were successfully closured with buttoned device, in which there was no or minimal angiographic left to right shunt. 4 cases were failed. During a 3~36 months follow up, all patients remained cardiac functional class I. Color Doppler echocardiography showed no or minimal left to right shunt. No complication occurred except one case whose size of ventricular septal defect was larger as detected by left ventricular angiography. All patients discharged 2~4 days after the procedures. Conclusion The clinical application of catheter base to closure VSD is feasable in selective cases. Our prelimenary results suggest that the method is safe, less traumatic and free from surgical operations.
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine