

Gender-related Differences in language Communication
摘要 本文以语言学家和社会学家的研究成果为基础,依照心理学、交际学和伦理学,从社会语言学的角度对男女交际中的语言形式展开了研究,分析了男女之间存在的语言差异。文章指出男性和女性在语言方面所存在的差异是造成跨性别文化交际的障碍。同时也简要分析了造成差异的几方面原因及这一研究在跨性别交往中的重要性。 Based on the achiements made ences in discourse,, the paper focuses on the by the socio- linguistics in their studies of gender - related differchief differences between men and women in language itself. The possible causes of the gender - related differences and the significance of the author' s reseach in cross - cultural communication are also suggested in the concluding remark.
作者 金晶爱
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期67-71,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 语言形式 性别差异 跨性别交际 Language Gender Differences Cross - sex Commnunication
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