
西方人际信任研究的路径与困境 被引量:18

On How-to of Western Interpersonal Trust Studies and Their Difficulties
摘要 自上世纪70年代以来,信任研究成为西方社会科学界的热门课题,几乎所有社会科学领域都有学者涉足此项研究。但不同学科的学者对人际信任的理解和研究路径是不一样的:心理学家关注个体特征对信任建立的影响;社会心理学者倾向于将人际信任看成人际关系的产物;社会学家则更愿意从文化、制度或社会结构的角度去研究信任产生的机制。通过对西方人际信任的研究路径进行细致的梳理和分析,可以发现,西方的人际信任研究陷入了困境,其原因一方面来自于各学科特定的研究视角与研究方法的局限,另一方面则是因为西方学者所共有的研究预设和思维模式影响、框定甚至是限制了信任研究。为摆脱人际信任研究的困境,我们提出了一种新的研究路径——信任策略研究。 Interpersonal trust came to be a heated topic in western social sciences since 1970's,and scholars have tried to cope with it from almost all the perspectives,thus a variety of un-derstandings and approaches:psychologically,individual differences are focused on;socio-psychologically,interpersonal trust is considered as an inevitable product of interpersonal relations;and sociologically,interest is more shifted to the mechanisms of trust formation from cultural,institutional,or social structural perspectives.A careful review of these ap-proaches helps to find that studies of this topic get into a trouble spot.While the first reason lies in the limits of isolated perspectives and methodogy of a specific discipline,the second may be traced back to the fact that the research assumptions,thinking mode and the frame-works shared by the western community of scholars set a limit to the studies of trust itself.Inthe present study,a new approach——trust strategy analysis is proposed with an intentionto smooth out the difficulties in this acdemic arena.
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期127-134,共8页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目(05&ZD037)
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