Objective To discuss whether potassium sensitivity test(PST) is correlated with PUF in Interstitial Cystitis (IC). Methods The data of 14 IC patients (female 13, male 1) were analyzed. The mean age was 48 years (range 35-67 years). The clinical symptoms included urinary frequency, urgency, pelvic and peritoneal region pain after bladder filling. All the patients met the diagnostic criteria of NIDDK for IC. Dilatations by hyponome were performed, medicine including heparinsodium, lidocaine, NaHCO3 were used by intravesical instillation. PST and the pelvic pain and urgency/frequency patient symptom (PUF) were used for evaluation. The relationship of the PST and PUF was assessed by statistics. Results PST median decreased from 4.0 to 1.0 (P〈0.01). PUF median decreased from 27.5 to 13.5(P〈0.01). PST was directly correlated with PUF (rs =0. 868, t= 4. 418, P〈0. 001 before treatment, r5 = 0. 779, t=4. 300, P=0. 001 after treatment). Conclusions PST and PUF are correlated. Both can be used as index in diagnosis, differential diagnosis, symptom severity and treatment effectiveness evaluation of IC.
Chinese Journal of Urology