

Research Progress on Nuclear DNA Amounts in Gymnosperms
摘要 共收集了217个裸子植物种的核DNAC-值,占裸子植物总种数(约730种)的29.73%,且涵盖了裸子植物所有科,为便于检索,以字母为序列成一表。目前为止,裸子植物所有科(17科)均有已被测定核DNA含量的代表种,且基因组大小范围也有所扩大。裸子植物核DNA含量存在68.5倍的差异,核DNA含量最大的为西藏白皮松(Pinus gerardiana),值为75.36 pg/2C,而最小的P.aurescens,核DNA含量仅为1.10 pg/2C。 The nuclear DNA contents of 217 species in gymnosperms were collected in this paper, about accounting for 29.73 percent of the total number of gymnosperm species (about 730 species) , which cover all the families in gymnosperms. The data are assembled primarily for reference purposes, with species listed in alphabetical orders. By far, there are representive species known DNA C-value in all of the families in gymnosperms, also the range of the genome size has being broadened. The most notable differences of nuclear DNA amount in gymnosperms are as many as 68.5 times, the largest one is chlgoza pine(Pinus gerardiana Wall. ), DNA C-value is 75.36 pg/2C, and the P. aurescans is the lowest one, whose DNA C-value is merely 1, 10 pg/2C.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第8期3418-3426,共9页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 裸子植物 流式细胞术 核DNA C-值 基因组大小的种内和种间变化 进化和适应意义 Gymnosperms Flow cytometry Nuclear DNA C-value Intraspecific and interspecific variation in genomesize Evolutive and adaptive significance
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