
安龙步甲的生物学特性观察 被引量:1

Study on Biological Characteristics of Carabus(Apotomopterus) anlongensis Deuve et Tian.
摘要 对安龙步甲的生物学特性进行了观察。结果表明,安龙步甲在贵州1年发生1代,以成虫在3.0—15.0cm的土中越冬。4月下旬开始出土活动,出土活动高峰在5~6月,6月上旬始见幼虫,幼虫盛发期在6-9月。成虫夜间活动,白天潜藏在3.0-5.0cm土中,适宜活动温度20~32℃。湿度在60.0%~90.0%有利于其生长、发育、取食和繁殖。恒温下测得其全世代发育起点温度为14.66℃,有效积温为636.30日度。土壤含水量在5.0%-15.0%适宜羽化。 Through the observation about the biological characteristics of Carabus (Apotomopterus) anlongensis Deuve et Tian, the results showed that Carabus (Apotomopterus) ardongensis Deuve et Tian takes one year to complete its life cycle in Guizhou Province. The adults over- winter in the soil 3.0 - 15.0 cm deep. In the last third of April, it begins to act out of soil. From May to June are the peak seasons for Carabus (Apotomopterus) anlongensis Deuve et Tian. The larvae could be found in the first third of June with a peak season from June to September. Adults act at night and lurk under soil from 3.0 cm to 5.0 cm in the day, the best temperature for its living is 20 - 32 ℃, the best humidity is from 60.0% to 90.0%, which is suitable for its growth, feeding and multiplication. The threshold temperature of development for a whole generation is 14.66 ℃, and the effective temperature accumulated is 636.30 day-degree. 5.0 to 15.0 percent of soil water content is suitable to the pupa emergence.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第8期3607-3608,3612,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 贵州省黔西南州科技局重点科研项目(农业2007-05) 黔西南民族职业技术学院(教研2006-09)项目资助
关键词 安龙步甲 生物学特性 观察 Carabus (Apotomopterus) anlongensis Deuve et Tian Biological characteristics Study
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