

The Evolution of Czech Republic-Moravian Communist Party
摘要 捷克-摩拉维亚共产党是东欧地区唯一保留共产党名称的后继党,在东欧剧变近20年中经历了极为艰难曲折的发展演变过程。面对恶劣的生存条件,捷摩共并未失去信心,始终保持了议会第三大党的地位,成为东欧地区唯一在本国政坛有一定影响的共产主义政党。捷摩共目前处于相对平稳的发展时期,但仍面临着党员老化、身受左右两翼排挤、活动经费不足等诸多问题。 In many Eastern European countries in the communist successor party, the Czech - Moravian Communist Party are a distinctive feature of the political parties. After the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe have changed the original Communist Party, the Czech Republic and Morocco were not only the Communist Party insisted on retaining the name, but also in the national political arena has always maintained the position of third largest party, becoming the only Central and Eastern Europe in the national political arena has a certain the influence of communist parties. However, the development of the Czech Republic and Morocco were also faced with aging members,left and right wings was excluded political forces and many other issues.
作者 张捷 杜瑞靖
机构地区 山西大学
出处 《忻州师范学院学报》 2009年第1期78-82,共5页 Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"东欧国家共产主义后继党发展演变研究"(07JA710025)
关键词 捷克-摩拉维亚 共产主义后继党 发展 Czech Republic and Morocco were Communist successor party evolution
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