
指示优先级的程式化管理科学研究方法--治理学术界与企业界脱节顽症的一种手段 被引量:8

Priority-Pointing Procedure: A Normative Research Method for Management Sciences to Bridge Academic Research and Managerial Practice
摘要 为治理管理学领域学术界与企业界脱节的顽症,基于法理学和指示优先级程式方法,提出指示优先级的程式化管理科学研究方法:将研究复杂管理问题的过程分解成相互关联的4个活动方面和8个主要活动,构成管理科学研究中的"指示优先级轮",以保持各个活动方面和主要活动的均衡为原则,纠正研究过程中的不平衡现象。分析了该方法的理论含义,剖析这一方法为什么有助于促进理论与实践相结合,从而解决理论与实践脱节问题,并阐述指示优先级程式方法的实践应用。实践应用表明:该方法的应用,可避免管理科学研究中重理论轻实践或重实践轻理论2种偏向,使管理研究过程的管理科学理论与管理实践行为相结合。 To overcome the gap between academic research and managerial practice in the management field, we propose a normative research method for management sciences on the basis of nomology theory and Priority-Pointing Procedure (PPP). It suggests that the solving of a complex management problem should be broken down into four general activities, and eight principal activities within a system. The wheel of this normative research method for management sciences can be used to find an equilibrium between doing too much or too little of each activity, a balance between thought and action. In the analysis of the theoretical meaning of this PPP-based normative research method for management sciences, the reason why it helps to integrate management theory with practice and thereby to overcome the gap between academic research and managerial practice is presented. Further, the applications of PPP method to managerial practice are addressed. Applications of the PPP in Ireland show that it helps to avoid the dilemmas of pure positivistic and pure interpretative approaches to research, and helps to bridge academic research and managerial practice in the field of management sciences.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2009年第4期432-434,443,共4页 Chinese Journal of Management
关键词 管理科学 研究方法 法理学 指示优先级程式 management sciences research method nomology priority-pointing procedure
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