
低温等离子体汽油重整对稀燃极限影响的实验 被引量:5

Influence of Cold Plasma Gasoline Reforming on Lean Burn Limit
摘要 为提高稀薄燃烧汽油机的稀燃极限,提出了一种借助低温等离子体,利用稀薄燃烧发动机排气中的氧气和水蒸气对燃油进行重整,以制得富氢的混合气体辅助发动机进行稀薄燃烧的方法.设计了一套等离子体排气重整系统,并对其进行了排气重整性能的研究.在一台稀燃发动机上进行了低温等离子体燃油重整对稀薄燃烧极限影响的实验,实验结果表明:利用等离子体排气重整系统,能够进一步扩大发动机的稀燃极限;重整比例每增大10%,发动机燃烧极限增大约1~2个空燃比单位. To extend the lean burn limit of a gasoline engine,a solution was presented using the oxygen and vapour in exhaust gas ,by the aid of cold plasma ,to reform part of the fuel to hydrogen-rich gas to improve lean burning of gasoline engine. A plasma reforming system was designed and its reforming performance was researched. The experiment was carried out on a lean burn gasoline engine to investigate the effect of cold plasma gasoline reforming on lean burn limit. The results show that using this system to reform gasoline with exhaust gas ,the engine's lean burn limit can be extended. The lean burn limit will increase about 1--2 AFR unit when the reforming proportion increases 10 percent.
出处 《天津大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期297-302,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University(Science and Technology)
关键词 汽油机 稀薄燃烧 等离子体 重整 gasoline engine lean burn plasma reforming
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