A brief review of the whole course for controlling the dust hazard in AISG(Anshan Iron &Steel Group) was made attempting to summarize some experiences and to draw lessons. What theenterprise should do and what character the occupational hygienist should act were discussed,andviews for controlling this hazard in future were put forward Through 45 years practice,the Insti-tute of Industrial Health has accumulated a wealth of experience in fighting against silicosis. Vari-ous measures in recog nit io n, evaluation and control links were gradually formed. In later period,measures in anticipation and management links were further developed. The trial specifically to curethe silicotic nodule was turned mainly to prevent and treat the complications. Implementing socalled"Three Simultaneities"(i. e. design,construct and operate the dust control system simultane-ously with the main production installation) was accompanied with the enforcement of routine ma-nagement of the workplace environment. To handle realistically the relationship between preventionand treatment,and to formulate effective and practicable control strategy are undoubtedly crucial- Itis convinced that if we advance along appropriate control strategy,and make still greater efforts,toreduce significantly the incidence rate of silicosis and finally to eliminate the silicosis will surely bepossible.
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases